Saturday, 4 January 2014

Dramatic sea and flooding at HAVRE DES PAS

The high tide this morning at 8.11am saw dramatic waves and flooding in the Havre des Pas sea front area. Parts of Roseville Street experienced temporary flooding but the drainage system held.

Only in the car park of the block of flats where I live was there significant flooding. The drain was blocked and water built up to 8 inches or so.

Welly boots to the ready, a number of residents were out clearing drains of seaweed washed over by the rising tide and splashing waves. This civic action by the community prevented further flooding.

Havre des Pas resident Nick Le Cornu removes seaweed from blocked drains in Roseville Street to prevent further flooding.
Waves crash over sea defences at the bottom of Roseville Street, Havre des Pas

Roseville Street resident Wesley Forster clears drains to prevent flooding

TTS arrive to clean up seaweed and flood water.


  1. So you are finally doing some work for Number 1.

  2. Do you mean to say that singlehandedly, in a matter of a few minutes, I have achieved more than the Assistant Minister for Economic Development - the Man From Mars, has in two years whilst holding the post of MISSING THIRD DEPUTY? Quite an incredible achievement I am sure you would agree.
