Wednesday, 31 August 2011

How hard work turns into votes.

"Nick Le Cornu knocked on my door and I might vote for him because he made the effort"

Thanks to Martin Higgins for his little plug in a JEP vox pop article (31.08.2011) about voter awareness of the forthcoming elections. I knocked on the door of Martin's apartment and that of his partner during canvassing last month. They gave me a sympathetic hearing for my policies.

There really is no substitute for a candidate making the effort to knock on a voters' door. The effort is genuinely appreciated. From one election to the next, electors do not see an elected Deputy or receive any kind of Newsletter updating them on political events of importance.

St Helier No.1 district has a 75% voter abstention level. This is because most voters cannot see how a vote will make any difference to their lives and do not understand what a vote for an individual means in policy terms. It is worth bearing in mind that there is an extra 20-30% of the potential electorate that is not registered. This amounts to around 1000 people.

Clearly in the future this voter abstention and non-registration must be addressed. The solution is a political one and a political one only. There has to an education campaign amongst working people that their social and economic interests can be advanced by polticial action.

For the next two months I will be knocking more doors and returning to those that said they would be voting, hopefully to win sufficient trust for them to give me their vote.

I surely will be knocking on Martin's door again soon to make his possibility of a vote into a certainty.

All burnt out!

Have the vandals been active in Snow Hill car park?

A diesel Ford van is currently sitting in the car park with its cabin in a burnt out condition and the glass melted. What happened is not clear, but it seems strange that a diesel engine would catch fire of its own volition. Inside the cabin are various burnt builder's tools and a safety helmet. Is there more here than meets the eyes?

Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Lime Grove House - Why Bankers are more important than the Police

Lime Grove House is situated next to Green Street cemetery. The failure of the purchase negotiations of the building may yet turn into the political graveyard of the Treasury Minister and his Assistant.

What went wrong is the subject of a Corporate Services Scrutiny sub panel that held its first hearings today. Whatever mistakes may have been made, the larger picture is sure to be missed. It is clear that when it comes to re-housing a homeless financial services company, then this has priority over the needs of the public sector. That there should be this deference is understandable if one realises that Finance has captured the island economically and politically. The Council of Ministers exists to assist the interest of Finance - at all times.

The political scandal is likely to turn around the decision by the Treasury to exclude Property Holdings experts in order to renegotiate the purchase price downwards. The desired saving was half a million pounds on a deal worth £8.75m, arrived at after protracted negotiations. Three separate valuations by professionals arrived at a similar figure. The vendors understandably took umbrage when presented with a revised “take it or leave it” offer of £8.25m. When a new purchaser appeared on the scene, having also messed them around previously, but this time prepared to transact swiftly, the deal was lost to the public. Independent valuers estimate that Lime Grove House is currently worth £12m.

Behind the decision of the Treasury to renegotiate will be found the ego of the Treasury Minister and his Assistant, driven as they are by obsessions with efficiency and value for money.  Acting tough screwed the deal. The total loss to the public is significant as this move by the Police was the first in a series that would allow a complex jigsaw of changes to be effected.

In the play of wills as to who will be the next Chief Minister, this debacle does not assist Philip Ozouf’s ambitions. The other contender is Ian Le Marquand, who is likely to come out whiter than white from this fiasco – and he has the emails to prove it. This it should be noted is merely an inter-elite squabble. Real change will come from neither.

Hearings continue tomorrow and I will be reporting further on the “Green Street Barracks” saga.

Jewish Merchant from Podole - photograph by M. Greim 1874

Monday, 29 August 2011

Hope for the unemployed – but no help from government

Paul is an unemployed driver. He now falls into the category of the long term unemployed. He needs work and finds there is no support for him as a property owner in Jersey.

Unemployment is corrosive of personal morale and of relationships. To survive means depleting savings and them becoming a nuisance by borrowing money from family and friends.

Unemployment is now at an unprecedented level. Action is required by government; active intervention that will provide training, retraining and work schemes. From the government there are statistics, silence and inaction. There must be change.

My blog has been examining the social and economic reality for working people in Jersey.  I have interviewed the disabled, the unemployed, the working poor struggling to make ends meet and pensioners on fixed income in circumstance of rising prices. This is the reality of life in Jersey today. It is one that our complacent mainstream media prefers not to cover.

I shall continue to expose reality and campaign for collective action.

Paul was a van driver and has his own van. He will consider any employment offers if readers want to contact me they will be forwarded -

Tuesday, 23 August 2011

Donald Perrier – “The Ronald Reagan of Jersey politics”

You will recognise Donald’s voice – you will remember him from the BBC Radio Jersey lunchtime phone-in (before it was suppressed nine months in advance of an election for fear of too many dissenting voices) or a Town Hall political meeting; but who is he?

Donald Perrier is one of the characters of Jersey politics; always opinionated and sure to offend someone. As we know, he is not afraid to speak his mind. I interviewed him this morning in the overgrown garden of the now closed La Follie Pub next to French Harbour. He lives not far away, but the location symbolises the failure of imagination that has resulted in beautiful dockland being turned into a wasteland of missed opportunity and indifference.

Donald is just about to turn 83. He was born into a poor Jersey family living in Trinity. When it came to installing electricity in 1936 into their rented house, his father walked to St Ouen to see the landlord, a mean Jersey Farmer, to ask if he would share the cost of installation. The landlord refused, knowing full well that Mr Perrier senior needed electricity and would pay the cost himself in its entirety. Electricity improved the Perrier family lifestyle, enabling them to run a couple of light bulbs and, through a single socket, power a radio that did away with wet batteries that had to be replaced weekly.

Donald has many anecdotes from pre and immediate post war Jersey. His father was a first class gardener and a man of little ambition. For many years he worked part time for a Jersey lady, Madame Gruchy that lived in Don Road. At her death in 1964 she left the father in her will the sum of £1 for each year of service. He had worked there for 31 years and four months. Advocate Crill, the executor of the will, announced that the legal profession did not deal in small change, so he would receive the sum of £31 precisely

I hope that candidates for election in District No.1 St Helier take the trouble to visit Donald – to have their ear bent. However, I suggest you do not mention that you support GST or are a candidate of the Establishment Party (clue - the ones whose election colours are black and white).

Donald is quite perceptive as to the failure to establish an effective opposition party, much heralded after the last elections. He also recognises that the 2011 elections will be a battle between the Country Party versus the Town Party - an old, old divide with new sociological content.

Part I

Part II

Part III

Monday, 22 August 2011

Lime Grove House – Another triumph for “Positive Politics” by the Council of Millionaires.

Residents may be pleased by the announcement that Lime Grove House will not become a Police Station, given the inevitable noise and impact on the “tone” of  Havre des Pas of "Green Street Barracks".  Where a new Police Station is to be built remains in doubt.

Certainly this is embarrassing outcome for the Council of Ministers and once again raises questions about their competence to manage governmental affairs.

Lime Grove House has been sitting empty for many years, primarily because of the owners’ inept business acumen. It was built just as the focus of financial activity shifted to the Waterfront “City” and was overpriced for then prevailing market conditions. The owners will no doubt be please to get rid of their white elephant. One cannot imagine what sort of financial services business would move there unless the terms were severely discounted. This makes it all the more galling that the Council of Ministers should announce a deal and then for it to fall through.

Egg on faces all round.

The government spin machine dealt with the debacle in a short matter of fact press announcement. Positive politics for Jersey, eh?.

Tragedy at Havre des Pas as steps collapse

That the steps at Falcon House Apartments down to the sea should collapse is no doubt a tragedy for the residents of that particular block. Having been undermined by the sea and with age the steps have given way.

What can be done? Responsibility rests with the owner of the apartments and not with the Parish or public in general. One hopes the apartments have a suitable sinking fund to effect repairs.

Saturday, 20 August 2011

Chateau Lataste 2004 - Vintage voter Registration success continues in No1 St Helier

Mounted on a wine crate, it was nothing but the finest oratory in King Street this morning as the voter registration team registered more potential voters for the elections on 19th October.

Ably assisted by a troupe of Chinese acrobats and Deputy Montfort Tadier on his accordion, the team registered another ten voters in St Helier and St Brelade. We met many old friends and supporters who understood it was Time4Change in Jersey.

Not only were islanders registering to vote, there were offers of assistance for Nick Le Cornu's campaign. A young woman volunteered her bilingual language skills to assist in connecting with the Portuguese community, one that is notoriously difficult to reach.

Another successful day! We shall be back.

Remember, you must have returned a completed voter registration form to your Parish Hall by Noon on Monday 5th September.

Chinese acrobats, proceeded by their loudhailer and drums, provided additional colour on King Street
Entre Nous - Deputy Montfort Tadier engages a fellow French speaker

Friday, 19 August 2011

Soapbox oratory & Voter Registration by Consistent Democrats – King Street tomorrow – Saturday 20th August 9.30am – 1.30pm

A voter registration team will be in King Street on Saturday morning to sign up islanders to vote in the forthcoming 19th October “General Election”.

Deputy Montfort Tadier, Deputy of St Brelade, District No2 and Nick Le Cornu, candidate for Deputy in St Helier, District No.1, will in addition be practicing their oratory in King Street on the proverbial political shoebox.

Overcoming high levels of voter abstention can only be addressed by direct political engagement.  The rich do not have to be told to go and vote to keep things the same; the working people of Jersey require on-going education that their social and economic interests can only be addressed through democratic participation.

After the rather anemic effort by the official government voter registration campaign last week, Consistent Democrats will be in the middle of King Street showing how it should be done.

As they say – let the dog see the rabbit!

Thursday, 18 August 2011

Vote, Hedley, Vote! States of Jersey Elections 2011 - video

Ok, so they are trying to engage us.

One of the curious facts about modern blocks of flats, including those costing over half a million pounds, is that they all seem to have wafer thin doors, so that everything that gets said can be heard in the corridor outside.

As a candidate having knocked on a door on one side of the corridor and then patiently waiting for that on the other side to open, one can hear the occupants reaction to one’s call.

Reaction has varied from “That Mister Le Cornu is definitely for the working man” to “Its that T****r Nick Le Cornu standing for election AGAIN!”

The most amusing response was tonight. A thirty year old man who when asked if he wanted to vote, asked if it was compulsory. Having told him it was not, he declined to register and shut the door. There ensued the following conversation inside the flat –

Woman’s voice: “Who was that?”

Man: “Some guy called Nick Le Cornu and the elections”

Woman’s voice: “Elections?”

Man: “This guy Nick Le Cornu wants to be Prime Minister of Jersey. What the **** do I care!”

I am afraid it is going to take quite a lot of education to win that young man to Democracy. Perhaps there should be a penalty imposed for failing to register to vote. A fine might help some citizens to concentrate the mind. Did I hear you say my first proposition in the new House?

Sunday, 14 August 2011

Voter abstention can only be addressed with political engagement.

High levels of voter abstention can only be addressed with political engagement. Likewise with voter registration.

This week saw a well intentioned but rather anemic government sponsored voter registration campaign out in King Street. The result was pathetic.

The voter registration team in St Helier No.1 supporting Nick Le Cornu has been targeting specific areas of low registration. Increased registration has been achieved the hard way; by knocking on the doors of the unregistered and winning the argument for voting. Only this direct action is capable of reversing political disengagement.

People want something positive to believe in; their politicians have let them down and they have now lost faith. Regaining that confidence means convincing potential voters that there is a candidate worthy of their trust. – a politician that candidly states they will represent the social and economic interest of working people in the States. That candidate they now realise in NICK LE CORNU.

Below is the latest mobilizing leaflet in the campaign for voter registration. Once identified as an unregistered address, the occupiers are contacted directly. If personal contact is not possible the following warning letter is left for their attention, together with a voter registration form and leaflet explaining why and where to vote.

That campaign is now top priority for the team and will continue up to Noon on Monday 5th September, the cut off date for registration.


Atenção! Uwaga! Atenţi! Внимание!


This address is currently unregistered for electoral purposes. Your right to vote in the 19th October General Election will be lost unless you complete a VOTER REGISTRATION FORM and return it to the Town Hall by 5th September.     

There is no obligation to vote.

However, Article 7, Public Elections (Jersey) Law 2002 imposes a duty on a person entitled to have his or her name included on the electoral register, to apply for registration.

You are entitled to be registered, regardless of Nationality or Citizenship if:

1.     you are at least 16 years of age; AND
2.     ordinarily resident at your current address; AND
3.     EITHER (a) ordinarily resident in Jersey for a period of 2 years OR (b) ordinarily resident in Jersey for a period of at least six months, as well as having been ordinarily resident in Jersey at any time for an additional period (s), that total, at least 5 years. 


Issued by NICK LE CORNU - CANDIDATE FOR DEPUTY – St Helier District No.1.  Election 19th October 2011. Vote at the TOWN HALL or PRE-POLL at St Pauls Gate, New Street (19th September – 17th October).

CONTACT: Home address: 23 Havre des Pas, Flat 4, St Helier;   Blogsite:

Thursday, 11 August 2011

Voter Registration success in St Helier No1 – 13% increase since 2010


The numbers registered to vote in St Helier No1 District has increase by around 13% over 2010.

There is still a further 25 days to register to vote in the elections on 19th October. The numbers registered to vote as at today’s date is 4912. This is an increase of 588 over the 4324 registered at the time of last years’ Senatorial by-election.

Much of this success must be attributed to the assiduous hard work of the Town Hall team involved in compiling the roll.  There needs to be an Electoral Officer for the whole island dedicated to ensuring the highest level of registration through advertising campaigns and active intervention on foot in large estates and evident "black spots".
Election years always see a higher level of registration over non election years and last year was one of those – the by-election being unpredictable. Part of the increase may be attributed to new blocks of flats built and occupied since last year, including Castle Quay, on the Waterfront and St Saviours Place, in St Saviours Road. Ironically these remain heavily unregistered. I shall be addressing this in the next few weeks with personal visits to encourage registration.

Overall this is a promising level of registration. I also predict a significant increase in voter turnout from the stagnant 25% of time immemorial. I attribute this to the deterioration of the economy, increase in prices and continued mismanagement by the Ozouf/Le Sueur/Cohen government. If the electorate could turf them out, they would.

A Jersey worker speaks the truth - "The States is a rich man's club"

Yesterday I was in King Street covering the Greffe voter registration initiative. Here is the interview I conducted with a Parish street cleaner. He was happy to talk to me and makes interesting listening. The BBC and CTV of course only wanted to interview respectable "suits". Ironically they were indifferent or too busy. Lots of people avoided getting in shot of the cameras. What is it with people in Jersey - such paranoia and claustrophobia?

 Our interviewee awaits an election for Constable in St Helier. He may be disappointed. Certainly he conveys the deep disconnect between politicians (i.e. State Members) and the public, especially the working classes. Interestingly he is not afraid to use the term "working class".  Most political discourse by the media and States Members is about "Middle Jersey"  - a nebulous sociological concept that covers everything from genteel pensioner poverty to owners of second homes abroad.

Maybe after the London Riots it is time for the political class to wake up and see who does the real work in society - the invisible people who clean offices and streets.

Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Voter registration skids on King Street. - All registered to vote but no one to vote for.

Those wishing to vote in the October elections must register by Noon on Monday 5th September. To encourage registration, staff of the Judicial Greffe were out in King Street today between midday and 2pm.

The seven Greffe staff members, journalists from Channel TV, BBC TV and bloggers from and Tom Gruchy, outnumbered potential voters wishing to register. CTV studiously ignored blogger media, but a sparkle in the eye of a pretty BBC journalist acknowledged our presence.

The day’s haul was a meager five additional completed voted registration forms. That said the Greffe Staff showed enthusiasm and gave out a lot of forms and leaflets to potential voters. Well done for a first effort!

Most of those passing through King Street on their lunch hour were too busy to stop and chat. A smile and a nod confirmed either they were already registered to vote or too polite and indifferent other than to mouth the words “Yes, I am registered”

I spoke to a woman Bank worker that said she had completed her forms and was registered to vote, but would not be voting. I asked her why. She candidly said she did not know who was standing or what they represented. I then asked her in which Parish she lived and she replied – Trinity, to which I quipped that in Trinity they do not anyway have contested elections. She smiled in recognition that Democracy in Trinity did not exist. How could she vote if there are no contested elections for Deputy or Constable! What was the point of even being registered?

The voter registration campaign is a positive venture and is to be encouraged. It is an attempt by the authorities to address the high voter abstention. It is alas mere tokenism. There needs to be fundamental review of the process of compiling the roll and the establishement of an island-wide Registration Officer, tasked with accuracy and numbers.

The Greffe team will be out again in King Street in a few weeks time advertising the pre-poll facility available from 19th September to 17th October at St Paul’s Gate, New Street, Monday to Friday 10am to 4.30pm.

My experience in District No.1 St Helier is that at least another 25% on top of those on the electoral roll are not registered. Most households have received a voter registration form from the Town Hall, but did not return it for reasons of laziness, indifference or ignorance, or a combination of all those factors. This substantially increase the real level of abstention, which currently stands at around 75%. All politicians, save myself, seem to be totally indifferent. Political science concepts like legitimacy of government pass over their heads.

The real reason people do not register and then go on to vote, is that expressed by the Bank worker from Trinity – they do not understand how individual candidates can in any fashion represent their social and economic interests. To overcome this we need to undertake a political re-education of the working people. It starts at school and continues for life. However in Jersey the whole system is designed to politically anesthetize voters. Trivialization and propaganda from government media sources, be it BBC Radio Jersey, CTV, JEP or 103, breed cynicism. Add to that an opaque unreformed political system with complex three categories of States Members and unsynchronized elections all adds up to abstention on a scale unprecedented in Western Europe.

I will continue my own voter registration campaign in St Helier District No1 – the hard way – door by door, woman by woman, man by man. I have to admit that I am quite good now. Give me a door and ten minutes and I will have the most cynical of eligible voters signing up to vote. Most are extremely polite and patient. Only one person so far has called me a “T*****r!”

That so few vote is a political problem. It is not a techical one about getting registered, although the complexities of the system do not help. During my personal door to door knocking I have to demolish years of incomprehension. People are not stupid. They do want Democracy and they do want a government that is responsive.  I have to explain that the Ozouf/Maclean/Cohen government are a group of millionaires doing the bidding of multi-millionaires and billionaires. When I say that on the doors it immediately raises a smile of empathy and comprehension. That is when I pull out the voter registration form. Invariably I leave with another smile that says "Thank you for taking the time to explain; I now know why I should be voting LE CORNU in the election for Deputy".

Monday, 8 August 2011

Cherishing Democracy - how an immigrant of three years will be making Jersey Democracy real.

Yesterday I registered to vote an Accountant of Pakistan citizenship that has only been living in the island three years. The circumstances are edifying and say much about those who love Democracy and those that think it always there like Coronation Street on the television.

I knocked on a door and introduced myself and purpose. The person answered holding a portable telephone; an old trick for getting rid of unwanted salesmen, religious fundamentalists and politicians alike. I was asked to come back and left assuming the person had no desire to discuss the forthcoming elections. I was wrong.

I then walked further along the avenue to knock on other doors. At one house I heard a voice from above – a woman’s voice asking me my purpose. I stepped back to see her on the balcony. Then began our discussion, she on the first floor balcony and I, like Romeo, serenading her from the pavement.

She was angry with the current state of political affairs in Jersey and furious with the Ozouf - Le Sueur government for its indifference towards the middle classes. She sounded perfect to register to vote and vote Le Cornu, I thought. However - no a chance.

She was adamant that she was not going to vote nor register even though she saw the necessity and hated government policies like GST and loading taxes on the middle class.

I turned to leave knowing that I could not win her to Democracy, in spite of all my persuasions. At that point the Accountant came rushing up the street – wanting to talk to me about the elections and would I come into the house.

We sat down and I was told they were very keen to vote and to know more about the political system. I was curious to know why a recent immigrant of three years residence was so enthusiastic about voting in a Jersey election, when there are Scots and English here that have never voted in forty years? 

My answer was swift. He came from Pakistan. He loved Democracy and knew that citizens must make it work.

I smiled, as I understood him immediately. He did not have to explain his reasons, I knew them already. Pakistan is a country plagued by military coups and corrupt rule. Democracy and civilian participation in government are precious flowers in need of constant attention. Citizens have a role to play in keeping Democracy alive by voting.

I told my host that District No1 St Helier was plagued not by military governments but by a 75% voter abstention. My host was shocked. I went on to explain the opacity of the system and that the Establishment had ground down the working classes to such an extent that they had given up any hope of change by electoral means.

My host thanked me for taking the time to explain the complexities of Senators, Deputies and Constables. Why we did not simply have one category of States Members he asked?

My host will be voting in the elections on 19th October and understands that for Democracy to function, votes must be cast.  

I feel sure an extra vote will be cast for Le Cornu as Deputy in St Helier No1.

Saturday, 6 August 2011

Comunicado à comunidade portuguesa de Portugal e Madeira Pelo candidato Nick Le Cornu

In order to address the Portuguese and Madeiran community in St Helier District No.1, I have created a special Newsletter and Manifesto. The substantive part is set out here in English so that readers will understand how I seek to engage that community. This is the beginning of community engagement - a process of toleration and integration of minorities within society.

The Portuguese have been in Jersey for over forty years. We now have second and third generation islanders of Portuguese descent. Although substantial in numbers, the community has not sought to assert its particular interests politically.  Many remain exploited in terms of low wages and poor accommodation, much of it in the unqualified sector.

There is a Portuguese “Bourgeoisie” of Advocates and the like but they are divided from the majority of compatriots by the issue of social class. They have no desire to represent in any way, let alone lead the community. I recall over 15 years ago there was a Catholic Priest who sought to provide a leadership role and achieved a certain status and respect amongst the community. He struggled against vested interests and racism.

I believe that the Portuguese community can be reached politically. Most conventional politicians never make the effort to engage because they are prejudiced and indifferent. A vast untapped reservoir of support lies to be mobilised poltically for those that can win their trust. This will mean throwing aside certain insular prejudices and embracing a wider cosmopolitan vision that is tolerant towards cultural diversity.

It will be a hard job. Levels of political education in certain quarters are low. Mobilising around housing and jobs is clearly the key for progressives.

Here is an extract in English from the Portuguese version of my new leaflet. The Portuguese version is set out below.

“Elections for Deputy – St Helier District No. 1
19th October 2011

Announcement to the Portuguese and Madeiran community

By candidate Nick Le Cornu

The Portuguese and Madeiran community have been an established part of Jersey society for forty years or more. They deserve the same respect and rights as other residents.
For too long the social and economic interests of immigrants living in Jersey have been ignored by government.

Many second and third generations of Portuguese have made Jersey their home and have established careers and businesses.  It is time they received the respect they deserve. This requires political and social involvement. Standing apart is no longer acceptable.

Portuguese and other immigrants have always faced the associated difficulties of low wages, poor accommodation and high rents. The unfair impositions of the Housing and Work laws with their requirement for 10 or 5 years residence are unfair and will remain so under the new Migration control laws soon to be introduced. The new Identity Card system, registration of all units of living accommodation and all people in work in a centralised data system are likely to cause extra problems. There will be scope for abuse, discrimination and exploitation. These are issues shared especially with more recent immigrants from Poland and Romania but will have an impact on all working people.

Such issues have not been properly discussed in Jersey. Other candidates will pretend that there are no problems ahead but as your Deputy I will address such difficult matters and look for solutions. We can improve things. To do this I need your support and vote.

This is just an introduction. There are many more issues to consider - your views matter.
Please look at my Blogsite ; for more details ……..”

Eleições para deputado – Círculo eleitoral n.º 1 de St Helier

19 de Outubro de 2011

Comunicado à comunidade portuguesa de Portugal e Madeira

Pelo candidato Nick Le Cornu

Há mais de quarenta anos que a comunidade portuguesa de Portugal e Madeira é parte integrante da sociedade de Jersey. Merecem o mesmo respeito e direitos dos outros residentes.

Durante muito tempo, o governo ignorou os interesses económicos e sociais dos imigrantes residentes em Jersey.

Muitas segundas e terceiras gerações de portugueses fizeram de Jersey a sua casa e desenvolveram aqui as suas carreiras e negócios. É o momento de receberem o respeito que merecem. Tal exige um compromisso a nível político e social. O não envolvimento deixou de ser aceitável.

Os portugueses e outros imigrantes sempre tiveram de enfrentar dificuldades associadas a baixos salários, más condições de habitação e rendas elevadas. As imposições indevidas das leis laborais e sobre habitação, com a sua exigência de 10 ou 5 anos de residência, são injustas e serão mantidas com a introdução das novas leis de controlo da migração. É possível que surjam mais problemas com o novo sistema de Cartão de Identidade, registo de todas as unidades de alojamento e de todas as pessoas activas que estão incluídas num sistema de dados centralizado. Haverá campo de acção para abuso, discriminação e exploração. Estas questões dizem respeito particularmente aos imigrantes mais recentes da Polónia e Roménia, mas terão um impacto sobre todos os trabalhadores.

Tais questões ainda não foram abordadas de forma adequada em Jersey. Outros candidatos irão pretender que não existem quaisquer problemas mas eu, enquanto vosso deputado, irei abordar estas questões difíceis e procurarei encontrar soluções. Nós podemos melhorar a situação. Mas para isso, preciso do vosso apoio e voto.

O Direito de voto nas Eleições de Jersey.

Independentemente da nacionalidade ou cidadania, se tiver mais de 16 anos de idade e viver em Jersey há mais de dois anos tem o direito de votar nas eleições para os Estados de Jersey. Não acredite em ninguém que lhe disser que por ser português não pode votar em Jersey. Isto não é verdade.

Deve estar inscrito no Caderno Eleitoral

Para votar, certifique-se de que a sua inscrição foi realizada com tempo. Para incluir o seu nome no caderno eleitoral de St Helier, preencha um Formulário do Registo de Voto disponível na Câmara Municipal ou on-line em ( e devolva-o à Câmara Municipal antes de 5 de Setembro.

As eleições serão realizadas na quarta-feira, 19 de Outubro de 2011. A mesa de voto irá funcionar na Câmara Municipal, e estará aberta entre as 8h e as 20h. Se a 19 de Outubro não se encontrar na ilha ou não estiver disponível, pode obter um Voto por Correspondência.

Isto é apenas uma introdução. Existem muitas outras questões a ter em conta – a sua opinião interessa.

Para mais detalhes, visite o meu blog

Ou entre em contacto através do número de telefone………….....(casa)…………………………….(telemóvel)……………………………………..e-mail


Pela primeira vez numa eleição de Jersey, qualquer pessoa poderá votar antecipadamente em St. Paul's Gate, New Street. Este novo serviço começa na segunda-feira do dia 19 de Setembro, e está aberto entre as 10h e as 16:30h (segunda a sexta), terminando às 14h de segunda-feira, 17 de Outubro de 2011.


Sou candidato para o lugar de deputado do Círculo Eleitoral n.º 1 de St. Helier. Vivo em Havre des Pas com uma vista fantástica sobre a piscina e rodeado pelo aroma menos agradável do incinerador! Há vários anos que estou activo na política, tendo feito campanha no passado sobre muitas questões que vão desde os direitos das mulheres a problemas ambientais (duas questões que ainda devem ser abordadas actualmente).


Estive envolvido na ajuda aos trabalhadores da Woolworth que perderam os seus trabalhos em Dezembro de 2008. Juntamente com outros, conseguimos ser bem sucedidos em fazer com que os Estados adoptassem uma legislação sobre a demissão por passar a excedentário para proteger os funcionários no futuro.

Sou membro da secção de funcionários financeiros de UNITE the Union.

Em 2008, dei início a uma campanha bem sucedida para fazer com que o bloqueio das rodas dos veículos deixasse de ser legal. 

Com a ajuda do deputado Montfort Tadier foi fundado o grupo de pressão Time4Change. Continuamos a colaborar de forma a promover uma maior justiça social e consciência política, especialmente em questões como anti-descriminação, protecção infantil, direitos laborais e tributação justa.

Desde 2008, ajudei a organizar diversas reuniões públicas para discutir o GST (imposto de bens e serviços) e a Reforma dos Estados. Apoio os princípios do Relatório Clothier para uma categoria de Membro dos Estados e círculos eleitorais de vários membros, juntamente com o Relatório Carswell para a reforma dos Oficiais da Coroa e Oficial de Justiça.

Sou secretário do Jersey Human Rights Group (Grupo de Direitos Humanos de Jersey), grupo formado no ano passado e presidido pelo deputado Bob Hill.

Exercendo a profissão de solicitador, tenho vários anos de experiência a trabalhar em Londres e localmente na indústria financeira.


Crise da Habitação: Existe uma queda acentuada em termos de condições de habitação a um preço acessível e decente em Jersey, e existe a necessidade de alojar a população actual de forma adequada e apropriada. No entanto, isto não irá acontecer se as causas fundamentais para os preços elevados de habitação não forem questionadas, nomeadamente o lucro dos promotores imobiliários e as rendas elevadas que são cobradas por alguns proprietários sem escrúpulos.

A decisão do governo em aumentar a população para cerca de 30.000 durante os próximos 30 anos apenas irá piorar o problema de habitação – fazendo ainda mais pressão sobre a infra-estrutura da região (e da ilha).


Em 2008 foi introduzido o GST. Apesar das promessas em contrário por parte do Ministro do Tesouro, o mesmo aumentaria 5% no passado mês de Junho. E continuará a aumentar se não fizermos nada.

Durante a última década, a carga fiscal tem sido cada vez mais suportada por parte dos assalariados, enquanto que as empresas têm assistido a uma diminuição da mesma.

Em 2000, as empresas produziram 52% da receita total e o imposto pessoal - 42%.

Em 2011, a estimativa é a de que apenas 12% das receitas será retirado das empresas, quando comparado com os 84% da tributação pessoal (incluindo GST).

Esta alteração no financiamento dos serviços públicos não ocorreu por acaso.  É uma política deliberada que está a ser seguida por políticos seniores, com a intenção de passar a carga fiscal para os assalariados, dos ricos para os trabalhadores.

O custo de vida aumentou sem o aumento correspondente em termos de salários. No geral, houve uma redução da qualidade de vida para a maioria dos residentes.

Para ser possível reverter esta tendência, é importante que sejam eleitos candidatos com literacia política e económica para a Assembleia dos Estados, que confrontem esta política e que defendam os interesses dos residentes e trabalhadores comuns.

Wednesday, 3 August 2011

First time voter – aged 60. Winning back non voters to Democracy

Are the non-voters beyond redemption? Can they be won back to Democracy? There is no “Apathy” in St Helier No.1 District; there is only sullen dissafection against a political system that ignores the social and economic interests of working people.
Continuing my series of interviews with the working people of St Helier, I speak here to Jeff. He lives in District No1 St Helier. The views of working people are never expressed or addressed as such in any of our island media. Those I have interviewed repeatedly refer to themselves as “the forgotten”. This interview is my attempt to give a voice to the working people of St Helier, as I will if elected to the States of Jersey as a Deputy.

Jeff is on long term incapacity benefit, having faced five heart bypasses, all in one go. He is a 60 years old Mancunian who realises that his working live is at an end. He regrets this but acknowledges job prospects are few in contemporary Jersey for someone of his age, experience and health issues. He refers with nostalgia to the thirty golden years of the 60’s, 70’s and 80’s when Jersey offered prospects of economic prosperity to working people. Now he is convinced it is cheaper to live back in England.

He tells us about being the manager of a laundry when Jersey had a tourism business. A lifelong Trade Union man (Transport & General) he shares his views on unionism in the island.

He expresses the frustrations of working class life in Jersey. He has never voted, but the day before yesterday I arranged for him to complete a voter registration form and get on the electoral role. Will he be voting on 19th October? I will be doing my best to ensure he does, in the same way that I will be encouraging thousands of similar individuals in District No 1 St Helier.