I met Rebecca during the 2011 elections and interviewed her regarding a son with mental health issues. She remains lucid and critical of the services she is receiving. She still has not had a diagnosis for her child but all the signs are there of what she believes is autism.
Several recent suicides of young people has led to Scrutiny undertaking a reivew of Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service (CAMHS). I have suggested Rebecca give evidence to the panel, but this has so far not been agreed.
Below is the follow up interview for March 2014 with Rebecca.
Here is the exclusive interview given to Voiceforchildren blog following the
election of Sam Mezec and I as Deputies in St Helier District No.1 and No.2
respectively on 5th March 2014.
In the interview we set out our vision of what the political party REFORM
JERSEY might be. It will only be possible if the people of Jersey engage and
rally to an organisation that has emblazoned on its banner Social Justice and
Reform. The real battle will come in the October 15 General Election - Jersey's
first general election when all seats are open to be contested at the same
time. The election will most likely be fought under the unreformed Constitution
of 1948 with its three categories of States Member - Senator, Deputy and
Constable. It’s going to be a messy affair, primarily because the political
class has refused to embrace long overdue reforms and create a modern
democratic electoral system. They have done so consciously because they fear
losing power; they fear the people, who so far have been dulled into
a-political indifference over many years. Clearly this is an historic moment for the island of Jersey. At last the
prospect of change is in sight and the agency of that change is REFORM JERSEY.
I am honoured and thrilled to participate in this endeavor. Men make their own
history but not in circumstances of their own choosing. Thanks to VFC who has been tirelessly engaged and blogging for progressive
politics since 2008.
At last we have a break-through and a brigehead established. The counter attack is sure to come and it will be met.
During canvassing at La Collette
flats in Green Street I fell over on extremely slippery decking outside the low
rise flats near the sea. I spoke to the nearby tenants and they indicated their
complaints about the danger and a number of falls had not resulted in a
permanent solution. The danger remained, so I undertook to resolve the issue
once elected.
The decking was power washed on the
day after my election and Astro-Turf will be put down.
There is a need for ALL States
properties to be subjected to an ACCESS AUDIT by Property Services or some
other department using qualified people as soon as possible and the new Housing
Association ANDIUM undertake a similar project with all housing units as
quickly as possible too.
A full schedule can then be collated
to show what adapted accommodation exists for tenants with disabilities and the
States can undertake the long overdue programme of making ALL public buildings
accessible to everybody.
I will also be pressing for a
comprehensive Disability Strategy to be prepared – just like that recently
agreed in Guernsey with ratification of the UN Convention on the rights of
people with Disabilities.
Thanks to Deputy Green, the Housing
Minister, for responding so quickly. We shall monitor further progress as
the Astro-Turf is laid and better handrails provided to make this access SAFE!
If you live in Districts No.1 and No.2 please give your vote to the REFORM JERSEY candidates NICK LE CORNU and SAM MEZEC.
Only Sam and I can represent the interests of working people who know they are ignored by the poltical class that dominates the States Assembly. If you believe in SOCIAL JUSTICE and in REFORM then these are two good reasons to vote Le Cornu and Mezec.
Voting in District No.1 takes place in the TOWN HALL and in District No.2 at SPRINGFIELD STADIUM 8am to 8pm.