We all know the well laid plans of mice and men go astray. So what contingencies did the party of government have to ensure their Option B version of gerrymandered “Reform” is in place before the election of 2014, if it failed to pass the States? None, it would seem. There is no plan other than to put Option B back on the agenda and ram it through the States again and again until it is passed. How will this be achieved? How flexible are the 21 "B Specials" prepared to be and what concessions or compromises are they prepared to make? Few it would seem from the latest blog of Senator Ozouf and certainly nothing that will make for a genuinely democratic structure compliant with the Venice Commission Guidelines.
The defeat of P64/2013 in the
States by 28 to 21 votes was pretty decisive. To win it needed a minimum of 26
votes. Option B lost because all along it was so gross that too many vested
interests in the States were offended.
There were a few principled defenders of a democratic structure, but
these were always going to be a minority. Ultimately it was the numbers game
that came into play. A States comprising only 42 members, of which 12 were
anyway Constables, was going to result in too many job losses. Yes, the Turkeys
refused to vote for Christmas, but likewise the Constables voted to retain safe seats.
Ironically, the States in all its
blindness did democracy in Jersey a favour by overturning a terrible
contrivance and gerrymander. It now remains for the party of government to
salvage the pieces and intimidate or bribe enough States Members to change
their vote in a second debate in the autumn.
Legitimising the illegitimate
The result of the Referendum in
April was supposed to cower the vested interests in States. It backfired. The
turnout was a farcically low 26% and opinion was roughly evenly divided. Option
B did not achieve a majority in the first round of counting and only achieved a
narrow technical victory through the contrived device of shifting votes from
Option C supporters. With the electorate clearly
indifferent, States Members could ignore the outcome of the Referendum, if indeed
there was one, and safely vote as they saw fit, knowing there would be no
electoral consequences in October 2014.
Anyway, the Referendum was purely
advisory as even Senator Bailhache, the Chairman of the Electoral Commission, let
slip, when he described it in a BBC interview as a “glorified opinion poll”.
The States remains sovereign and there was never any intention the Referendum
be binding.
In fact, the Referendum was designed to give a fig leaf of public legitimacy to a contrived result, knowing Option B, the preferred winner from the point of view of government, was democratically deficient and would face scrutiny by UK government lawyers at the Department of Justice on behalf of the Privy Council. The Referendum was designed to legitimise the illegitimate. The public were manipulated by the government.
In fact, the Referendum was designed to give a fig leaf of public legitimacy to a contrived result, knowing Option B, the preferred winner from the point of view of government, was democratically deficient and would face scrutiny by UK government lawyers at the Department of Justice on behalf of the Privy Council. The Referendum was designed to legitimise the illegitimate. The public were manipulated by the government.
Counterattack – media spin
The party of government may have
been smarting after their defeat but did not waste time in getting their propaganda
machine into action to spin the rejection. The rhetoric of disgust in the
letters section of the JEP, editorials and opinion pieces by journalists, all
claiming that the public will had been ignored, was entirely contrived. It was
not the electorate that was furious; it was the party of government at their
humiliation and defeat. A depoliticized electorate has no opinion and is easily
manipulated, as many were into supporting Option B in the Referendum, on the
basis of “our masters know best what is in our interest and we must trust them”.
Behind all the righteous indignation is the simmering resentment of the party
of government that misjudged; they simply could not muster the necessary 26
votes. The train that was to be rushed through the States, all steam and
whistles, now lies overturned as a derailed wreck on platform B.
The party of government and its
loyalist supporters are becoming extremely agitated and there is even a note of
desperation. Government Bills do sometimes get lost, but not this decisively
and rarely do they provoke a reaction to bring it back and force it through. Propositions cannot be brought back to the
States for three months, so the earliest date for a new debate will be October.
It is often remarked that politics
is about the art of the possible, so we should expect the government to make sufficient
concessions to get its legislation through. Based on the latest blog by Senator
Ozouf today, it would seem very little in the way of concession is being made.
An Autumn offensive
Deputy Sean Power was interviewed
on BBC Radio Jersey today and, somewhat embarrassingly for him, did not know
what Senator Ozouf was proposing. The only piece of news was a tweet by Senator
Ozouf stating that he would be bringing a new proposition to the States for
debate. In the dog days of Summer, when news is sparce, a mere tweet from a Minister is sufficient to run a story.
Deputy Power was convinced that
the extra five votes to achieve the necessary minimum of 26 could be arranged
by turning the “Wobblers” and forcing those Ministers and Assistant Ministers who
had voted against into supporting the government line.
Senator Ozouf’s “compromise” on Option B
The party of government appears
to have learnt little from the defeat of Option B and the reasons for that. On
his blog Senator Ozouf states he intends to propose an additional 2 Deputies
for St Helier by way of compromise, describing the Propositions of Deputy Green
and Pitman, which would have added an additional 5 St Helier Deputies, as “too
far”. Will such minimal concessions win over sufficient States Members?
Unlikely one might think, especially since he has missed the fundamental
criticisms of Option B, that it perpetuates the historic divide between Country
and Town, leaving St Helier grossly underrepresented.
Senator Ozouf's initiative is an attempt to set the agenda when in fact the newly formed PPC has been tasked by the States to "seek alternatives for reform of the Assembly". Clearly for the supporters of Option B there can be no alternative; hence the desperation.
Option B cannot be tweaked by
adding a few extra Deputies to St Helier. Believing so exposes the intellectual poverty
and horse trading nature that underlies Option B, the Great Gerrymander.
Only by eliminating Constables as
a category of States Member can constituencies be made of roughly equal size.
This is a concession the party of government will never make as it goes to the
issue of power. Retaining Constables ensures there is an inbuilt majority for
the Executive in a States comprising 42 members.
It is clear the political class
is incapable of reforming the electoral system and States Assembly in any
significant democratic fashion. Otherwise they would never have proposed Option B. There is reluctance to even conceive of reform
that would sweep aside ancient and undemocratic structures. Therefore, will it take for
the British government to exercise its responsibilities for good government in the
Channel Islands in the absence of an electorate capable of expressing its will?
Democrats must continue to
campaign for a democratic electoral system and States Assembly based on the principles
of fairness and equality across the island. They must put pressure on States
Members to ensure there are no shameful compromises and betrayal of reform.